
NL GP events

In June last year, the package of laws called the “Offall- a Ressourcëpak” was voted. In this newsletter, we will be focussing on the articles in the package of laws that will have an impact on the types of packaging that can be used during public events and in the Horeca sector.


What is the impact on public events from 1st January 2023?


The waste law prohibits the use of single-use plastic packaging at public events. Crockery and cutlery, as well as straws and some single-use plastic packaging (e.g. trays, cups, bottles) are targeted. The choice of material of these items will be limited and reusable crockery and cutlery will appear next to the cups that are already omnipresent at public events.


What are the next steps?


From 1st January 2025, all single-use items mentioned above will be prohibited, regardless of the material. These items will have to be reusable and the customer will be able to bring back the empty packaging. The creation of loan and return systems for reusable packaging will provide information on the number of times the packaging has rotated in the circuit. This is key in order to avoid that packaging is put on the market that is reusable in theory (thicker and washable), but is never actually reused, causing more waste of resources.


Will this law also have an impact on the Horeca sector?


Since 1st January 2023, the waste law provides that the containers, including their cover, cups and cutlery that are used in restaurants where the meals are consumed on site have to be reusable. Restaurants can no longer use single-use packaging on their premises, regardless of the material.


From January 2025, the use of reusable packaging will be expanded to the outside, since home delivery and take-away meals will have to be packaged in reusable packaging that is also taken back.


Why are some specific types of packaging targeted?


In the law on the reduction of the incidence of certain plastic products on the environment, the packaging of meals and drinks that don’t require additional preparation is targeted, such as salads or freshly brewed coffee. The packaging of these products are those who end up in nature the most, contrary to meals that need further preparation (such as reheating), which generally reach the common waste streams.



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